Is it worth paying for SEO?

If you’re considering investing in Search Engine Optimisation – or SEO, as you’ll have heard those industry folk call it – then spoiler alert, it’s totally worth it. Here we explore, is it really worth paying for SEO?

What is SEO?

So, what’s SEO all about?

In short, SEO is the process of getting traffic to your website from search engines. The better your SEO, the better your chances are of ranking higher up on the likes of Google – which means more people seeing your business, resulting in more visits and enquiries. Boom! It’s that simple. What isn’t simple, is keeping up-to-date with the latest SEO practices. In fact, it’s pretty much a full-time job, which is why it’s always best to hire an SEO expert who knows what they’re doing.

Still need convincing? What if we told you that 75 per cent of people don’t scroll beyond the first page on Google? In fact, the top five search results on Google get nearly 70 per cent of the total clicks on the search engine. What’s more, research has also shown that more than 90 per cent of businesses don’t get any organic traffic from Google, due to poor SEO. For us, it’s no brainer, especially because Google received 3.8 million searches per minute across the globe – it really is vital that you make sure your business is being seen. 

What influences SEO?

It might be surprising to hear that there are more than 200 different factors that influence SEO of your website. Here are five examples of SEO ranking factors that you simply can’t afford to ignore:

  • Meta data and headers
  • Written content
  • Internal links
  • User experience
  • Technical SEO

Remember, ranking factors change all of the time. In fact, in 2021 alone, Google made a whopping 4,887 updates to its algorithm. So, it’s important you – or the SEO expert you’re working with – keeps an eye out for updates, and updates your SEO strategy accordingly.

What about an SEO strategy?

Remember we mentioned those 200 factors that influence SEO? Well, the trick is getting a good balance of them all – particularly the ones that bear the most SEO weight. Think of each factor as a tiny part of a puzzle, making up your SEO strategy. 

If you don’t have the required SEO knowledge, it could cost you both time and money, to try and create a strategy yourself – and even longer to see any sort of result. Paying for SEO gives you total peace of mind that you’ve hired a professional team, like those at Oxygen Graphics, who come with a readymade bucket of SEO knowledge and expertise. What’s more, Oxygen Graphics will be able to create a bespoke SEO tailored specifically to your needs and requirements.

Is SEO expensive?

SEO doesn’t have to be expensive if you’re working with the right provider. At Oxygen Graphics, driving a return on investment (ROI) is at the centre of every strategy. We conduct an initial SEO audit, which means we can identify the gaps and opportunities for your website and fill any necessary gaps for optimum results, as part of your ongoing plan and strategy.

At Oxygen, we will then create a six month SEO plan specifically for your business, providing you with full visibility of what will be actioned each month. This plan can include things like monthly blog articles for example, which helps boost SEO – after all, creating fresh and unique content is believed to be the second biggest ranking factor.

Rank higher with Oxygen Graphics

With the digital revolution putting even more pressure on businesses to engage with customers online, there’s never been a better time to pay for SEO. Gone are the days when businesses can solely rely on word of mouth to get their voice heard, today businesses need a specific marketing strategy tailored to their goals – and that means investing in SEO.  

Ultimately, sound SEO is crucial in helping to create the foundations of your wider marketing plan. So, if you’re ready to rocket up the ranks on Google, then get in touch with the team at Oxygen Graphics and find out how we can support your business.

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