Top 5 campaigns to plan in for 2022

Marketing campaigns provide the perfect opportunity for businesses, of all shapes and sizes, to reach out and engage with both current and potential customers. If executed correctly, they are a great excuse for organisations to showcase and what’s more, show off, your brand and services. 

There’s no denying it, designing all your promo’ items and hosting exciting events is fun but none of those will be successful if you don’t plan correctly. After all, it will take more than a few weeks of quick thinking for a campaign to get the desired reaction. Never underestimate the importance of thinking ahead, getting those dates in the diary so you can properly plan, and ultimately, ensuring each campaign is relevant to your business. 

As a creative design agency, the team here at Oxygen Graphics live and breathe campaigns. We’re always actively thinking about the next one, marking dates in our calendar to connect with our customers. Better still, we simultaneously help our clients across the globe take their campaign game to the next level, supporting them in successfully hooking onto those critical dates in their diaries to give their brand the boost they’re after.

To whet your appetite for what’s to come in 2022, here are our top five campaigns you should already be putting time in your diaries to plan for over the next 12 months.

1. Special dates

Digital calendarOK, so this isn’t necessarily one campaign – it’s a few. We’re talking about those all-important special dates, you know the dates that come along annually like, ‘Mother’s Day’, ‘Father’s Day’, ‘Navratri’, ‘Halloween’ (to name but a few). There are literally dozens that you can highlight, depending on your target audience and of course goals for the year. 

Maybe avoid planning a campaign around every single special date in the year but instead choose one or two that will enhance your objectives. Above everything else though, don’t forget they’re happening – there is nothing worse than remembering a special date is just a few weeks away and trying to fit months of planning into a couple of days. Avoid this happening by getting yourselves and Oxygen Graphics wall planner (free to anyone who signs up to our mailing list – shameless plus, sorry!) and spend half-an-hour circling every up-and-coming special date of the year. You’ll thank us when your brand’s Halloween campaign is the one getting noticed and what’s more, making you those sales.

Top tip for 2022: Don’t forget the Queen’s Jubilee is taking place this year. Plenty of brands have already jumped on the jubilee bandwagon, make sure you’re not the ones who are left behind!

2. Exhibition Season

At the heart of exhibitions up-and-down the country are brands interacting, engaging and reaching out to loyal and new customers, while driving business. With millions of visitors set to return to exhibitions this year, there’s no doubt they are one of the most powerful marketing tools out there. Plus, they give you a fantastic chance to get creative and think outside the box.

Exhibition season starts from around February or March time, so have a look at any that might be beneficial for your business to attend and get planning. Find out how the creatives at Oxygen Graphics can help get your voice heard and your brand seen at that next exhibition.

3.Outdoor Events

Outdoor events are back, baby! And trust us, they will be coming back with a bang. So, getting your brand there has never been more important. From music festivals to children’s activity trails, or sporting events and charity fundraisers, there are so many dates already penned in for 2022, you’re sure to find one your business can be part of. 

Again, use outdoor events as a canvas for creativity. Capture the eyes of customers with showstopping marketing collateral.

4. Use success stories to reach out to new clients

Use success stories from previous clients to specifically reach out to new customers within that same industry. 

If you’ve got the knowledge of a certain industry, and have experience in supporting businesses across that sector, then showcase this by creating industry-specific campaigns. 

Show businesses that you know how to target audiences within that industry and how you have the desired experience in successfully driving sales in that sector. Show new customers what you could do for them by shouting about the positive results had from previous clients. 

Create industry-specific campaigns, which will see you focus on a specific sector, targeting and reaching out to competing businesses.

5. The big C

We know what you’re thinking, how are we already thinking about next Christmas? We’re only just polishing off the remaining mince pies and turkey leftovers from 2021 festivities, right? Believe it or not, many businesses plan for Christmas as early as June and with the average Brit expected to spend more than £1,000 over the festive season, it’s clear to see why.

Christmas has the potential to be your biggest moneymaker, so it’s worth pencilling in a good amount of planning to get the best out of it – it really is never too early. From creating eye-catching social media content to converting leads thanks to festive adverts and unavoidable offers, there are plenty of ways you can produce an undeniably tree-mendous campaign for Christmas 2022 (we promise no more festive puns until at least June).

Effective, engaging and exciting campaigns with Oxygen Graphics

With time precious, resources thin and competition between businesses at an all-time high, there’s no doubt about it – planning, creating and launching campaigns is challenging, for organisations of all shapes and sizes. Get in touch with creative agency Oxygen Graphics and things will suddenly seem a whole lot easier. From refreshing your brand to designing unforgettable exhibition stands, our team of creatives are ready to make sure your business’s calendar is bursting with effective, engaging and exciting campaigns throughout 2022.

In need of marketing support?
Get in contact with a member of our team today to see how Oxygen Graphics can help you!
T : 01788 561 991    E :

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